I'm glad you made it here!!

       “It Takes Courage To Grow Up and Turn Out to Be Who You Really Are.”                      e.e. cummings

Life challenges can be tough to manage.  Finding the right therapist to talk with can help you sort out your concerns and provide you with the support and comfort that can make all the difference in the world. I know seeking help may not have been easy for you to do, nothing worthwhile ever is. 

All of us at some point in life face trials that can test us, push us to the limit, and make us feel like giving-up. The very fact that you are here and reading this, is proof positive that you are a fighter! If you are stuck in a place where you are not happy, whether you are struggling with anxiety, depression, self-esteem, drug and alcohol addiction, whatever trials you are facing, know that there is hope for you and those you love.


Are you interested in becoming a better, happier, more fulfilled you?
 Get started by
 reaching out today!

All people are born with naturally good tendencies. The innate ability to progress and improve on life. What can cause some of us to stray and get off course is complex and can stem from multiple places, i.e, Internal as well as external. For example, lack of access to resources like basic parental guidance, and/or access to adequate education in our school system, or the lack of access to physical health and mental health care. All of these conditions can detour the natural progression of mental health and adversely alter the course of human development and personal growth. These challenges often come with stress and frustration that can keep us off track. Not managing stress and frustration can lead to maladaptive ways of coping. Like abusing drugs and alcohol, or difficulty developing and sustaining meaningful and healthy relationships, or they can encourage other types of inappropriate behavior(s) as a way to cope with everyday life. If you will allow me to partner with you, together we can navigate those challenges, and the seemingly difficult road ahead, and together we will get your life back on track!

Our Mission

To empower individuals to regain control over their lives, by providing quality mental health care, upholding confidentiality and privacy, and valuing the individual’s right to be treated with dignity and respect, free from judgment and blame.


Empathy is the capacity to understand or feel what another person is experiencing from within their frame of reference, that is, the capacity to place oneself in the other person's position.


Perseverance is the ability to keep doing something in spite of obstacles. People who persevere show steadfastness in doing something despite how hard it is or how long it takes to reach the goal.


You can’t empower someone else or make someone empowered. It is about ways of working and supporting someone that means they can take control and responsibility for their own lives.


Using the SMART goal framework sets boundaries and defines the steps you'll need to take, resources necessary to get there and milestones that indicate progress along the way. With SMART goals, you're more likely to achieve your goal efficiently and effectively.

Compassionate & Professional

We care about you, your family, and your story. You can trust that we will treat you with respect, dignity and compassion in every interaction, while maintaining the highest standards for integrity and ethics.

Let's connect online and get your life back on track!!